Alice and I saw this a few months ago on PBS, go about a fourth into the clip to watch some penguins desperately try everything they can to get away from Barbra Streisand. It still cracks me up! And that is a llama in the film, not an alpaca.
Alice's parents were in town last week and we've worked out a fantastic agreement - they will bring poke from Hawaii when they visit here, and I will bring Hungarian Gypsy Bacon when I visit there. It's an amazing deal with the two most amazing foods ever created by the most heavenly of all ovens. Only those who have had those two foods can really understand what I'm talking about.
So I've far too many things going on for my own good lately, which is typical and part of my own vicious cycle, but compounding on it is that I've been in a very creative mood lately. So here are the two things I want to create:
1 - A new video. Sara and I have been talking about a new one for ages, but whilst on a bus in Vancouver a couple weekends ago I had a stroke of inspiration and madly scribbled down some ideas. Although I told myself I'd wait until my arm was better and until I secured a second person to help, I shot about 30 minutes of film which I'm editing down to 2 minutes right now. I'm excited.
2 - Art. I have a rad idea for a piece of art, the thing is that it's not so much about the art itself, but rather the frame I want to build around it. The biggest obstacles in my way are that I need to freshen up on how to best setup the electronic part, and figure out the best way to cut/create a frame. And a power source... oh it's gonna be cool if I ever do it...
My sister's got a house for sale in a fabulous location in La Cañada, California! $1.19mil, if anybody's interested...
Google maps -- mobile -- is the hottest thing I've ever seen. Well, Miko made a pretty cool map too but nobody else can see that one yet.
I've put this on here before, but Pets in Uniform is just awesome. Check out Exotics, National Pancake Day. That's my new wallpaper at work.