This is about two weeks late, but check out my 2008 Christmas card!
Last week I got back from a Christmas trip to Hawaii w/ Alice. It was rushed - half the time was spent planning our wedding there - but was still chock full of good times. We both tried surfing for the first time, and that was fantastic. Kind of like snowboarding but instead of going with gravity you're being pushed from behind. And it's much warmer. And there's no hard snow to fall into - instead you have water! With razor-sharp coral beneath. But that's part of the challenge. I'm hooked!
During the plane flights there and back I watched the first two seasons of
The Venture Brothers, currently my favorite televisiony entertainment. It's just so good. Even when it's really, really weird it's still very good.
I hadn't paid much attention to the show, and the couple times I saw it I couldn't understand if it was trying to be serious or funny. It is both. My good Wisconsin buddy Zac helped turn me on to it, telling me that he's reminded of me far too often when
The Monarch is on... I can see that.
Two night ago I had a dream where I was at a big party, and didn't know anybody, but it was really fun and full of Vikings. I did something that pissed them off and they put me on a rack, and I saw from a third person perspective them stretching my arms until the snapped off (incidentally, I was also wearing a Viking hat). When my arms came off there was no blood, just a little pain... and I kept walking around the party without any arms. Couldn't hold a beer. Couldn't do much without arms other than walk, really.
I started to think "Crap, this really sucks! Alice is going to be really bummed out when I come back with no arms." I headed towards the front door to go around to the pool area, of course, and upon approaching the door my arms materialized back! Yeah! Those Vikings just wanted to teach me a lesson, they didn't want my arms to be gone forever.
Obviously this is a result of me returning back to Ballard (Vikings) and watching too much Venture Brothers (because of this guy):