So, I've been on vacation for a few days now. Interesting mix-up at the airport - they were all out of Mike-sized rental cars, and to get moving I had to settle for a Nissan Quest minivan! Oh, I'll be rollin' in this. Is it time for me to graduate into Miko's Minivans Are Cool Club? No, I don't think so, because that club can never exist.
I've been having a great time with the family and little whippersnappers. My brother in law, Vico, wanted to show his brother Leonel (who is staying with them for another week) around the LA area, as well as Las Vegas. So, the three of us went to Vegas the other night! It was great, and my thirst to go back was finally quenched, although it could still be quenched more. I saw some dolphins and stuff. I also won $30 (and it only took $3 to get it)!
When we arrived in Vegas, Vico wasn't feeling too hot, so Leonel and I hit the strip, with me guiding him around and showing him all the amazing stuff. The only problem is that Leonel only speaks Spanish (that's
Español to those in the know), and I only speak English (or as he calls it,
Inglés), but both of us know just a little bit (pequito) of the other's language. This trip crossed language and racial barriers! We actually managed to make it work pretty well - we were joking and laughing together, although there was a lot of pointing and 'MMMMmmmmm' and 'Oooohhhh!!!'ing. A sample conversation, translated into English:
Leonel: Hungry Michael?
Me: Yes, me very much hunger.
Leonel: Michael... gamble?
Me: No. No very. First time here, your brother and my sister - Christmas - me $20. Nothing, nothing! Next day, me $3 -- Nyaaaah!
Leonel: Ha ha ha!
Me: Ho ho!
Leonel: I very happy!
Me: Me too. So hot.
Leonel: Lunch please!
Me: Yes, yes! Tacos please!
It was a great afternoon, and I feel very close to Leonel now, even though we talk like cavemen to each other. There's something wonderful about human beings and how we're still able to express our most basic emotions and thoughts, even when the words are incomprehensible.
Another interesting thing I learned in Vegas is that there's a Red Hat Society of old ladies. This was discovered as we pondered why there were so many old ladies in floppy red hats (and purple shirts) at the buffet. Apparently it goes along with something a woman wrote some time ago, about how when she's old she's going to wear a red hat, and a purple shirt, and be silly and enjoy life. I introduced one of these women to jambalaya, though she didn't like it much due to the sausage.
So one weekend into my trip and my worst fears have already come true.
Jason, who is answering to 'Mike' at work until I return, got
The Call. The Call goes like this:
Them: Mike, the site's down and the end of all things is neigh.
Me (groggy): ** Series of slurred obscenities **
Looks like the The Call was due to a faulty upgrade from our host, Rackspace. Thanks, assmimes. Thanks a lot for ruining Jason's weekend. Props Jason, props.
Hey, in Seattle there's a fairly new station I've been grooving to called
Jack-FM. Guess what? There's a fairly new station in LA I've been grooving to called
Jack-FM. Same voice, same tagline, but different sayings and some different audio clips. Crazy.
Yesterday somebody submitted a new
pirate joke! Sweet. Thanks Joyce, whoever you are.
And now I wipe away a tear as I post these pictures I tried to edit in iPhoto (good-looking photos coming upon my return to Seattle):
This is a real live dolphin I shot with my
harpoon camera. Can I keep him?
Michael y Leonel: mejores amigos por siempre (best friends forever)!
Mike, 6-17-2005 with $11.05
That is so freakin' awesome.
Kim, 6-17-2005 with $1.23
I thought you could appreciate this...
He asked, "Lord, what about when there was
only one set of footprints and also a
straight line with bootprints on one side
and small, round circles on the other?"
The Lord replied, "Those were the times
that I car... [98 more to go]
I thought you could appreciate this...
He asked, "Lord, what about when there was
only one set of footprints and also a
straight line with bootprints on one side
and small, round circles on the other?"
The Lord replied, "Those were the times
that I carried you, and we were joined
by a pirate pushing a wheelbarrow."
(Peter Rogers)
Jason, 6-15-2005 with $20.01
Nice shirt, btw. Beware the bandit squirrels. Or should I say, las ardillas banditas.
kat, 6-14-2005 with $8.13
and here i thought it had something to do with linux... who's the dork now?
Mike, 6-14-2005 with $0.35
Am I really the only person who didn't know about the Red Hat Society, and thought all the grannies were just communists?
Jason, 6-13-2005 with $20.02
My apt manager is in the Seattle Red Hat Society...though I never see them out.
kat, 6-13-2005 with $18.28
if we were still roommates i'd have no problem with you keeping a dolphin. it'd give me an opportunity to break down the language barrier and tap the vast resource that is dolphin wisdom.
Andrea, 6-13-2005 with $11.43
I saw Red Hat Society ladies in Chicago this past weekend at high tea eating crustless sandwiches! They are quickly taking over the world!
And then you said: