Wow. It's been a crazy couple of weeks, and the
LRE conference chewed me up pretty good, but it spit me out and I'm in better shape than ever. I think the conference was good for just about everybody with the exception of those close to me, since they've had a missing Mike for a couple weeks, working non-stop with 4 hour naps.
I won't go into much here, but part of my conference challenge was to create a light-hearted video to lead into our web presentation, which also showed the upcoming website and some of its features. It was an absolute nightmare to get done on time - the morning of our presentation it wasn't complete, because I fell asleep the night before after a very loud and clear message from my body to stop everything immediately and go to bed! All my alarms went off in vain, and I'll never forget those two longest hours of my life, finishing up the video before presentation time.
When did I get to the conference?
Seven minutes before we were on! Way too close, waaaay too close!
So -
new movie! Check it out. I don't think it's perfect but it's pretty good. People loved it, crazy loved it. Lots of good feedback, that's always good. Other highlights of the conference were telling a pirate joke in front of 250 of the world's top % of luxury brokers, and having them laugh, and declaring to them all that I am indeed the Grand Poobah of Technology (so says my business card!).
It was really great to meet so many of the people that I work with via phone and email every day. I really connected with a lot of those people. Scott Anderson of
Preferred Properties in Napa Valley went so far as to say we are kindred spirits. And
Jeanne Baker's my homie, among many others.
What else have I done other than work? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Unless you count helping Alice unpack into her super-sexy condo. And taking homeboy James out for a night on the town, bachelor-party style (he's getting married on Saturday!).
Oh yes, then there's
Jason! Sweet, tenderhearted Jason. Jason who proclaimed, when getting to know him a year ago, that I would never see him drink so much as a wine cooler. Well, Friday night around 2:30, after an impressive supply of alcohol (much of which I helped supply), he turns to me and mumbles
"Ayyyeeiimm Druunnkkk!!" Yes, I did enjoy that.
"But, I'm usually so articulate!
To think that it only took a year of working to make him turn to the bottle, tsk, tsk. He did end up getting a pretty sweet t-shirt from the
5 Point Cafe, which reads "The Liver is Evil and Must Be Punished." James, Jason and I also rode a mechanical bull that night, and went to the
pirate bar later in the evening. Good times, good times indeed. Pictures as soon as Jason forks them over from his camera.
Cowgirls only want money, do not trust them for a second.
Talking Teeth are cool - Jason, weren't you just talking about this the other day?
Does anybody want a Shiatsu massager?