Hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving. I spent mine at my folks' place in Oregon this past weekend, Alice in tow. Such a nice time! I wish it could've lasted longer... good Lord, how nice that would be. On Black Friday my mom took us into a Bible supply store, where you can buy such great DVD classics as the following:
Interestingly enough, the lead actor also stars in Love and Orgasms.
A few years ago I discovered
Voss - its giant glass cylinder packaging left an impression on me. I remember thinking that it would be very cool to put a fish in one, or have several with a fish in each. Sort of like a living art installation! Anyway, after this trip to Oregon, I was inspired to go ahead and do it! Alice and I picked the fish - mine was quickly dubbed 'Squishie', and hers 'Blitz'. I like to think that's short for Wolf Blitzer. A Voss bottle, some rocks, an air pump, and a glow-in-the-dark plant later... I've got fish!
So far they've lived two days. I think this is a great sign. They always seem a little nervous, and I feel kind of bad to trapping them in a bottle of water, but y'know... it just looks so cool! Where does one draw that fine line between humanity and novelty?
One thing I quickly learned was that an air pump designed for a 3-5 gallon tank does not work well in an 800ml bottle. You would not believe how quickly that fish flew straight up! I was afraid he'd shoot through the top of the bottle. Luckily, that has been the last tragedy, so far. I love my Squishie (and who doesn't love Wolf Blitzer?).
In other news, automated scripts that hunt down email scripts really suck, and are costing me and my fellow dev assassins precious time, backing up other projects, driving me insane, and giving my web server a bad name.
I would like to watch
The Aristocrats.
Scott Vandehey, 12-6-2005 with $9.01
The aristocrats is the filthiest movie ever, but it's awesome. Wait until you hear Bob Sagat tell the joke. :)
Alfredo, 12-3-2005 with $7.44
It's time to "Escape From Hell" and head-on down to the "Pirates In Paradise Festival" in Key West!
And then you said: