So the other day I showed Alice an animation I made while in
Art School, and today I was digging around some more and found these things - thought they might be fun to put online:
'Trash Ahoy' - June 2001. See, I always liked pirates and dumpster diving.
'Berlin Wall' - September 2001. For a World Civilizations assignment. The Berlin Wall was no joke, but I think this is pretty funny.
'Super Potato' - September 2001. Also for World Civ. Only in art school can you ace a project by making a super potato.
It's really weird to think I made those five years ago. On a side note, I entered my
Meow Meow Mix video into this year's AIS Alumni Show, it'd be fun to have it playing 24/7 at the school for a couple months.
I have a great Barbra Streisand video to post up here that will knock your socks off... soon.
The skin where my arm is busted is a Technicolor wonderland - I never realized that bruises could last for months on end.
I've gotta get to bed.
Dissatisfied Customer #98103, 5-3-2006 with $19.32
You need to update your site, yo. So much is happening in the blogosphere! COmment on it! Make weird pictures about it! Do something!
KKNY, 4-16-2006 with $18.05
Would you like to illustrate a few children's books containing a personified frog? There is some money involved in the process, too.
And then you said: