I am

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.
What Video Game Character Are You?
That's pretty true, I do like jumping on stuff. I have a lot of little things that have been on my mind that I'd like to jot down here. One is that I found a
great Flash game today! You get to control a drunk guy by moving the mouse left/right to control his balance. I haven't beaten 72 meters yet. This is also in German.
I also found the
le amazing French Horn player on
Jared's blog - that's good stuff.
Andrea left for a 5-day Las Vegas extravaganza today! She's going to have a blast, I'm pretty jealous. If all goes well I'll be going there for a few days near the end of March w/ Zac, should be a good time. A brief but action-packed roadtrip. The incredible
Google Maps and
Mapquest tell me that I should go through Utah, and that it will take 18-20 hours. Horsepoop. I don't see anything wrong with blazing my own trail through Nevada, by gum! I realized the other day that the word 'sin' sits right in the middle of 'casino'. Did you know that Las Vegas has a
neon museum? And a
boneyard (go to Gallery 2 - excellent photo site btw)? And an official
neon sign survey? God I love lights.
It's tax time again, so I'm finding out all these fun statistics about where all my bling goes. I spent $160 less on gas in 2004 than I did in 2003. Thanks
Sparky! Also, based on records I've kept since getting Blue Steel, it costs me ¢14.8/mile with 87 octane gas and between ¢14.2 and ¢12.5/mile with 89 octane (depending on the weather). It is to my advantage to use 89 octane gas! The same holds true with highway miles, thought not to the same extent - 87 octane is ¢9.2/mile, whereas 89 octane is ¢8.7. I'm sure you all find this bloody fascinating. I have yet to test the 90+ octane, because man, I can't allow myself to spend that much at the pump.
The rumors are true - I am invited to a Playboy party in LA. As
LRE's most eligible bachelor, that's kind of tempting, even though Playboy isn't really my style... not that I would mind spending an evening with hundred's of Heff's finest ladyfriends! It would make a great story... ahhh, but I have so much happening in March already!
Oh, my parents
bought a boat. I also though about
buying a houseboat, since it's rare here and much more affordable than a condo. Buuuut... although it would be awesome and adventurous to live on a boat, I really need more than 325 square feet. Gotta have the green screen room of my dreams. Oh yeah, and I don't have any money. But... I've got some of the best credit this side of the Columbia!
miko, 2-20-2005 with $20.41
is anyone going to go to the Playboy party! HEF!
Garhan, 2-19-2005 with $8.52
First try -- 75 meters! I win... Ohh yes, I'd be up for a HL deathmatch or two sometime. Next weekend would probably be best (frigging grad school!)
If I were a video game character I would be "An Asteroid" ... I loved that game... right next to skifree.exe :)
Random Suggested Band --> "Fin... [70 more to go]
First try -- 75 meters! I win... Ohh yes, I'd be up for a HL deathmatch or two sometime. Next weekend would probably be best (frigging grad school!)
If I were a video game character I would be "An Asteroid" ... I loved that game... right next to skifree.exe :)
Random Suggested Band --> "Finntroll" (common! drunk Finnish polka-metal! you know you'll love it!)
kat, 2-18-2005 with $19.15
my uncle lived on a houseboat for a few years when i was a little kid. i think he lived on lake union, but i really don't remember. it was fuckin' sweet to me... i'd never seen a houseboat.
And then you said: