Many of you know I've been very out of touch for the last several months while I've toiled away on an enormous web project. I'm happy to say that this site has launched, and my life can now continue as regularly scheduled! Check it out -
John Daugherty, Realtors of Houston, TX.
That's just the main site... there are also an internal agent-only web site and a
cell phone web site that go along with that. I think this site is amazing. We weren't even able to launch everything we had planned at first, but it still came out great. I'd say I'm more proud of this site than any other I can think of. We're still adding to it too, but now that this big deadline is gone I get to breathe a sigh of relief! So, life is good. I also found my
new favorite house there.
I was led to discover a new band this week... well, new to me. They're called the Leningard Cowboys, and they often tour and record with the actual Russian Red Army Chorus. They have their own original songs, but also cover Russian folk songs and the occasional American classic, like
Sweet Home Alabama. But check this video out, it's so incredible. I can only hope they decide to tour in the US on some future day. Even in Seattle, a utopia of music, I haven't been able to find their CDs. But, that's what eBay is for.
This is the video, this one! This one! Check out the Leningard Cowboys!
Thank you for sharing that with me,
The only other notable thing happening is that I've found an incredible source for
eccentric lollipops. And I went to a dog show. And Alice made personal-sized haupia pudding cakes with lilikoi glaze that I neither saw nor ate. And my biz-partner-homie Jon's ongoing battle with the squirrel in his house has reached critical mass, as the squirrel ate clean through his in-wall CAT-5 cable this week. And I'm going to California in a few weeks. And Andrea moved to Chicago on a couple days' notice.
That wraps it all up. And it's sunny outside! Later!
Garhan, 3-31-2008 with $7.33
I fear the myspace, but I have to say congrats, so ... uhhh ... yeah! Yarrrr!!!
And then you said: