Tonight I was coming home from Alice's casa, and what did I think to myself?
I wonder if the Seattle Center Skate Park is open.. It is.
And you know what? Spokey isn't really designed to go up skate ramps. I had a lot of fun though, that was my first time trying that kind of stuff. Thankfully I played a lot of Tony Hawk five years ago. I did hurt my foot a little but at the same time I got
mad air. For some reason I've been fond of busting out the
italics lately.
Spokey was kind enough to pose for the camera (about 30 times, that ham - but this one was the most interesting):
Jason taught me something today that I find completely amazing: if you play your cards right, you can run your own country! I'm not kidding! Check out
Sealand, a military barge taken over and founded by some dude off the coast of England. I like their
old historical site better, as it has some great pictures and shows their currency and stamps. I would love a passport stamp for that country. Do not visit Sealand, or you'll get warning shots across ye'r bow!
This is pretty good: A new trailer for The
Shining. All the stuff in that directory is
pretty entertaining, if you like stop-motion animal disco parties. So creative, I need to get creative again, so much fun. The firm
PS 260 has a fun site, too.
Donkey Kong Jr. sooo kicked my butt at
Shorty's today. Alice's TV taught me that jellyfish can be really scary, and that it can be good for the heart to
befriend a crazy bird lady.
EBVT, 10-17-2005 with $20.23
Yo Mike. Don't have much to say except that grad school is hard. My eyes hurt from reading words. Hope you are well! Oh, and nice picture. Space needle is lookin' real toy-like.
And then you said: