Guess what came in the mail? That's right, my Hokey Spokes. They work pretty well - I need about 4 more though, one on the back and three on the front. Mad props to Andrea for filming that last night, and to The Muppets for the soundtrack. Those spokes are pretty corney but they make me happy.
I'm so tired. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and am scared to death that I'm getting sick again. I swear, if I get sick I'm moving to the friggin' Bahamas and blame it on the environment. Or maybe San Diego. Most realistically I'll just move to the other side of the bed.
**************************************** And then you said:
Jason, 3-13-2005 with $21.31
Ahhh...yes, that was the little oranges. They were pretty much the greatest thing ever. The new site is slightly less great.
EXXX (can you figure out the rest?), 3-13-2005 with $9.47 Ohhhh ahhhh, really nice spokes there, Mike. I couldn't take a peek at work so I just saw all the glory. As Andrea says, "Wow..." Oh, there was something in the homepage title (you know what I'm talking about, the line up top) about your sniffer being big. Are you paying the "size matters campaign" to write these thin... [13 more to go]Ohhhh ahhhh, really nice spokes there, Mike. I couldn't take a peek at work so I just saw all the glory. As Andrea says, "Wow..." Oh, there was something in the homepage title (you know what I'm talking about, the line up top) about your sniffer being big. Are you paying the "size matters campaign" to write these things about you?
Jason, 3-12-2005 with $17.47 I don't know what you're talking about, man. I remember the thing I showed you about the really tiny clay oranges, and I remember edible, paper sushi. However, I don't think I linked either of these things...or at least I can't find them. I think you should put the crack pipe away. And sorry about not updating in f... [31 more to go]I don't know what you're talking about, man. I remember the thing I showed you about the really tiny clay oranges, and I remember edible, paper sushi. However, I don't think I linked either of these things...or at least I can't find them. I think you should put the crack pipe away. And sorry about not updating in forever. I'll change that soon.
Mike, 3-12-2005 with $11.53
I think it used to be a link to really tiny clay sushi - I can't find it on your site now tho.
Jason, 3-12-2005 with $11.33
haha...what linked to porn?
Mike, 3-12-2005 with $0.27 Jason - I'll stop stealing your links when you start posting in your blog. Btw, did you know that you had a link to porn in there? Gotta watch out for those outdated links, perv.
Thanks to Jason for the two links and Muppet inspiration, and to Andrea for her speaking role in the above video.
112 more to go]Jason - I'll stop stealing your links when you start posting in your blog. Btw, did you know that you had a link to porn in there? Gotta watch out for those outdated links, perv.
Thanks to Jason for the two links and Muppet inspiration, and to Andrea for her speaking role in the above video.
EBNY - why you talkin' bout my sniffer?
Sunmi - are you a 1337 h@x0r with a 5 in your name? =)
5unmi, 3-11-2005 with $22.10
Hey Mike, came to see ya! I like your mahna mahna bike clip! haha and like jason's comments even more!
Jason, 3-11-2005 with $21.50
I like how you steal all my links and muppet tunes and claim them as your own, you evil, thieving, Robert Zoost bastard!
Those spokey hokes are pretty tight.
I think we should make the Regents video have the mahna mahna soundtrack. You know it would attract people.
Elicia, 3-11-2005 with $13.07
I laughed out loud, many, many times (at work!) at the Ratherisms. Mike has a rather nice sniffer.
And then you said: